We’re having a beautiful autumn in Southern Ontario. But I have to admit, I’m looking forward to winter. It’s been six months since my last post! I did draft a newsletter in August, but ran out of time for editing. Summer was crazy-busy made more so by the major renovation of our living area, including the kitchen. But now, the renos are complete, my kids have moved out, and the craziness of summer is dying down.
While I wasn’t writing here, I was definitely still writing in-between things. It’s amazing what you can get done in the spaces that open up for you. I’ve been working through the book, Story Genius, by Lisa Cron. I have a lot of books on structure as I’ve been playing with the structure of my novel for the last ten years, or so. And it’s still not right! I’ve got to tighten up the opening and ramp up the climax. And I’m still trying to boil my story down to its essence: The dreaded pitch.
Just over a year ago, my writing life radically changed when I purchased a MacBook Air. My old laptop was dying and it was painful to watch, let alone write with. It weighed ten pounds, couldn’t hold a charge and took forever to boot-up, grinding away in complaint. I felt tethered to it and jealous of my daughter as she moved about freely with her Macbook. That was the beginning of making my writing portable.
![]() Last I left you, dear reader, I had submitted my first fifty pages, query and synopsis for critique, to a NYTimes bestselling author and I was awaiting her notes. In the meantime, my husband had knee replacement surgery and I lost what was to be my bountiful writing time. But hey, life happens… And it happened to the author / editor I was waiting for. She was busy promoting her latest book and then fell ill, but remained in touch so I always knew what was happening. While I waited, I played around with ideas for my new novel, re-read writing books, bought more writing books. And a surprise book showed up. At first, I thought maybe I lost track of my purchases, but then remembered the author saying she wanted to send me this book. To continue reading, please visit my guest post at Ascribe Writers by clicking the Read More button below.
![]() Before writing a blog, I review my past blogs to make sure I’m not repeating myself too much, and to assess where I was at and where I thought I was going. My last blog was August 28th and I was all set with my “MFA course", personalized for a student of one: me. Now it’s a month later and have I made any progress? Fortunately, I kept my plan flexible, I can adapt what I’m working on as life happens. the truth is, I’ve hardly been home in the past month. Labour Day weekend was spent moving my daughter to Ottawa for school. I was also determined to attend the Eden Mills Writers Festival this year. I hadn’t been in about 20 years! But as an almost empty-nester, and the threat of covid fading (not to mention this is an outdoor festival), and a workshop with Gail Anderson-Dargatz, my former mentor—I wanted to make sure I attended. To continue reading, please visit my guest post at Ascribe Writers by clicking the Read More button below.
![]() As the leaves start to turn and the geese gather overhead, it’s hard not to think about back-to-school. I loved school. While many were mourning the passing of summer, I was anxious for the start of September, new books, new clothes, new class. So many exciting possibilities. (Yes, the excitement soon waned by mid-October.) I LOVE learning and I LOVE reading. Two things that school was all about. Of course, seeing all my friends was a bonus too. Since I loved school, I knew I wanted to go to University—didn’t matter what I was learning, as long as I was in school. I decided to become a Chartered Accountant (now called a CPA). This was a path that would take seven years to complete. The culmination of that was a 16 hour exam spread over 4 days with a 50% failure rate. I made it! To continue reading, please visit my guest post at Ascribe Writers by clicking the Read More button below.
authorI'm a writer, accountant, mom, vegetarian who loves nature. My husband and I are amateur astronomers. I'm also an amateur piano player & hockey player. Archives
October 2024
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